Property Description
Located within a private gated community is this unique 2 bedroom house. The property is an addition to the original Grade II listed Manor House which offers character, charm and style.
- 32ft Lounge/Dining Room
- En-Suite To Master Bedroom
- High Ceiling and Large Windows
- 150ft Private Rear Garden
- Large Patio Area
- Easy Access To A2 Into London
Entrance Hall:Part-glazed door and window to front.
Downstairs Cloakroom:Low level WC. Pedestal wash hand basin. Tiled walls and flooring.
Lounge/Dining Room: 9.88m x 9.3m x 4.85mWindows and shutters to rear. Under floor heating. Tiled floor.
Study: 1.83mKitchen:Range of wall and base units with granite work surface over. Integrated dishwasher. Integrated fridge/freezer. Electric oven and gas hob. Microwave. Tiled floor. Part-tiled walls.
Bedroom One: 4.3m x 4.85m x 3.23m.Juliette balcony. Built-in wardrobes. Wood flooring.
En-Suite Shower Room:Double shower enclosure. Pedestal wash hand basin. Low level WC. Heated towel rail. Tiled walls. Tiled flooring.
Bedroom Two: 4.85m x 3.2m.Dual aspect window to front and rear. Built-in wardrobes. Wood flooring.
En-Suite Bathroom:Double glazed window to rear. P-Shaped bath. Low level WC. Pedestal wash hand basin. Heated towel rail. Spotlights.
Rear Garden: 45.72m x 15.24mLandscaped wooded garden with tropical plants, flowers and shrubs. Summerhouse.